Hello world! Shoutout to those who get that joke! We are very proud to announce the official launch of our website, trianglediveshop.com. We have lots of information on our site about who we are and what we do but, in a nutshell, we are here to change the landscape of Raleigh scuba instruction.

Most people do not actually take scuba lessons the first time they look into it. I know my experience with getting my open water certification was met with lots of phone calls and always getting discouraged at the complexity & time it required. Our goal is to completely demystify what it takes and make the process fun, safe & educational while delivering unparalleled training both on land and in the water.

We accomplish this in a few ways. Direct access to your scuba instructor (not just someone answering phones at the shop), internal training requirements which dictate more in-water diving experience (not just sitting on a platform watching other people do skills), a “no question is silly” attitude and smaller class sizes giving the student more one on one time & attention from the instructor. For us, diving is not a vacation affair we do once/twice a year, this sport has immeasurably changed our personal lives and it is literally our heart & soul.

Whether your goal is to enjoy that once in a lifetime underwater vacation or use scuba to create new adventures at close and/or far away places, our experienced instructors are here to help you achieve your goals.

We look forward to sharing our experiences with you and hope to see you on-land, in the water or, best case scenario, under water… we’ll be the ones smiling!

~The Raleigh Scuba Diving Team