Finding experienced & knowledgeable Scuba Diving Professionals is far more essential to your diving experience than the agency they teach with. While the certifying agencies set the “standards” of training (meaning what skills we teach & how we teach them), having a thorough & knowledgeable teacher makes all the difference. The whole purpose of training is learning & showing mastery of your underwater skills. Our Scuba instructors have been personally vetted and evaluated by each other to ensure we not only adhere to agency standards, but go above & beyond with our level of training & attention. Each of our instructors have pledged to go above & beyond to help you fine tune your dive skills, your buoyancy and share our knowledge with you. Each training dive we conduct is an evaluation of our students. Corrections, advice or even tips to be a better diver are all part of our service to you.
David has been diving for over 10 years with several thousand dives under his belt. He loves teaching others anything from Open Water diver to Public Safety diving. People always say he has gills because of his insanely low air consumption (he doesn’t, we’ve checked). Lets go diving!
I’m a scuba diving instructor because I genuinely love diving and sharing that love with others! I’m super passionate about the underwater world and love nothing more than seeing the excitement in my students’ eyes as they experience it for the first time. I’ve been diving since 2012 and instructing since 2019, and I pride myself on being a patient and understanding instructor, creating a relaxed and fun learning environment.
Brett became a scuba instructor after retiring from the military as a helicopter pilot. He loves teaching and sharing his enthusiasm for scuba diving and travelling. When he is not diving, Brett enjoys traveling with his wife, Diane, playing tennis, running, sailing, and flying. Brett has a daughter who lives in Durham.
Karl has been diving for 40 years and was certified on the island of Oahu, Hawaii in 1984, by PADI Instructor Jack Pappas. Karl immediately fell in love with diving and the Ocean Realm by experiencing some of the most beautiful waters to dive in thanks to Jack, who took him on “extra” excursions in Hawaii. Because Jack was so gracious with him, Karl wants to return the same to his diving students.
Margie has been diving for over 50 years and has been an instructor for 30 years. After diving all over the world, her favorite is NC Wreck diving with the big Stingrays, Dolphins, and Sand Tiger sharks. Margie’s secondary passion is science and computing (yeah, she’s a nerd!). She is a published scientist in the fields of heart research, statistics, and computer science.
I am a meat popsicle. I failed to give our glorious shop staff my bio. I shall live in shame until I rectify this unforgivable lapse of judgement. PS. Brian is a divine web designer.
Dedan has been diving since 1996 and instructing since 2017. He was certified at Fantasy Lake in Rolesville. He’s old enough to still use tables but young enough to look good doing it.
I am a meat popsicle. I failed to give our glorious shop staff my bio. I shall live in shame until I rectify this unforgivable lapse of judgement. PS. Brian is a divine web designer.
Kenneth has been diving since 2017 and received his open water certification in Asheville, NC. He has a fantastic singing voice (on the surface, not so much under water) and loves introducing new divers to the amazing world underwater.
I am a meat popsicle. I failed to give our glorious shop staff my bio. I shall live in shame until I rectify this unforgivable lapse of judgement. PS. Brian is a divine web designer.
Ken earned his OW certification during college in 1989 in Florida and has done a lot of diving since. Once he started having kids that wanted to learn how to dive, he became interested in the professional route. Ken achieved his PADI Divemaster in 2023 and PADI OWSI in 2024. I am looking forward to passing on the love of diving to all of my family and anyone else interested.
Steven became certified in 2018 in Panama and became an instructor in 2021. Since then he has also gone diving in the Mediterranean and all around the Caribbean. He was out diving once in the Cayman Islands when he heard this beautiful singing… Turns out it was just a choral reef!
Tim has over 42 years of diving experience, and 3,200+ dives. He has been diving all around the world and loves to share his knowledge of diving and dive travel locations with his students. He volunteers as a diver at both the National Aquarium and the NC Aquarium, where he performs underwater dive shows.
Diving into the depths for over eight years, I’ve logged hundreds of dives across tropical paradises and challenging conditions alike. As a Divemaster with Water World, I specialize in exploring the unique treasures of the North Carolina coast, from historic wrecks to the thrill of uncovering megalodon teeth.
I was certified in 1971. It was a gift that my father gave me. I spent most of my recreational dives in Freeport, Bahamas and the Florida Keys. I became a dive master because I was with a bunch of wonderful people who loved diving as much as I. My biggest accomplishment will be seeing the smile on your face when you complete your certification.
After achieving PADI Master Diver in 2021, she wanted to become a PADI Divemaster in 2022 to serve as a helper for others on their SCUBA-diving journeys. She is also a Water Safety Instructor and enjoys teaching children how to be safe in the water and how to refine their swimming skills.
Having always had aspirations to dive and after raising a family, I decided several years ago to begin my adventure. This adventure has allowed me to see and experience things that most people dream about. I then decided I wanted to help others with their dream to become a scuba diver which lead me to completing my PADI Dive Master training/certification in 2022.
Your local dive shop serving the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex, Garner, Clayton, Wake Forest & surrounding areas.
135 S. Miami Blvd
Durham, NC 27703